About Shipping

All prices show in this site are discounted CASH prices, CREDIT CARDS USERS will need to add Bank fee:
All packages going out via UPS will have the “declared value” that the customer requested or the actual value of the contents, this is mandatory.
All small packages going out via USPS Priority Mail will have delivery confirmation only, you the buyer/receiver, is responsible to let me know if you want the package insured or not, in case of a loss HDPS CORP will not be responsible.
Sometimes the Web Cart will not combine small items in one shipment (website uses USPS programing which is difficult to impossible to compound multiple items in ONE shipping cost), if you see that the SHIPPING COST IS TOO HIGH, email me. If you choose PayPal as a payment, we will input the correct cost of shipping on PayPal invoice
Any unpaid invoice for services on your parts, parts will become “abandoned parts” after 60 days and will become HDPS CORP property.
ALL and ANY questions will be answered by e-mail ONLY, that way you are helping me minimize all the wasted phone calls with questions like “can I have my USC in full auto?” I have pre made replies and e-mail you back is by far faster and more accurate. Thank You for your understanding!!