CZ BREN 2Ms 5.56 Cal 8″ Barrel SBR with CZ .922r compliant RARE FIND NEW



Up for sale NIB CZ BREN 2Ms Short Barreled Rifle (NFA) on eForm 2 and ready to transfer to your Class 3 Dealer on a eForm 3 (is taking 1~2 days for eForm 3 approvals)

SBR done correctly by HDPS CORP custom shop using original factory CZ 922.r Compliance parts for its legality. Note that these CZ 922.r compliance parts kit are not in stock for over an year and it is discontinued. If you find one, it will be well over $600. You can piece toguether  U.S. made complaince parts and the total will be around that as well, or more, just the handguard is over $200, the folding stock is $250, flash suppressor, sear, gas piston ….do the math! 

The weapon you see is the weapon for sale, no surprises, it has Tritium night sights, extra magazine (total two), a venom Flash Hider

Based on the select-fire Bren 2, this handy firearm operates via a short-stroke gas piston system with a return spring contained within the action itself. A true lightweight, the Bren 2 has an aluminum upper and a lower made of carbon fiber composite. The Ms designation means that it employs a modular forend that can be swapped to different lengths or styles based on user preference/need. Its non-reciprocating charging handle stays stowed in the forward position until it is needed and is swappable from side to side. An AR-style bolt catch/release system is mirrored on both sides of the firearm, as well as a catch/release nestled into the front of the trigger guard. The magazine release and safety are also ambidextrous.

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Homeland Defense & Police Supply Corp

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We specialize in Assault Weapons, Class 3 Firearms and Suppressors for Civilians and will also provide help and logistic for Govt. Agencies and Police Depts.

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